[kronolith] Some preferences are not set es expected

Ferdinand Gruber fer.grub at yahoo.de
Wed Mar 27 20:16:43 UTC 2019

Am 26.03.19 um 21:47 schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
> Quoting Ferdinand Gruber <fer.grub at yahoo.de>:
>> Hi,
>> I load a calendar by calling a hyperlink: 
>> http://example.domain.com/horde/kronolith/?display_cal=internal_gO8NqonqPBun1TwWNl148w2
>> This works but there is only one problem. Some preferences are not 
>> set es expected: The first day of the week should be Monday but is 
>> Sunday. How can I achieve this?
>> This behavior does not occur when I log in to this page through the 
>> login form of the Horde page.
> Those are user preferences, so if you are not logged in as that user 
> you will of course not be honoring that user's preferences.
> If this is what you want for guest users, you should set this as the 
> default value of the preference. See kronolith/config/prefs.php.


now I created a file***horde/kronolith/config/**prefs.local.php* with;

$_prefs['week_start_monday']['value'] = '1';
$_prefs['twentyFour']['value'] = true;

But that did not at once change anything -� I had to restart the browser ...

Now everything is ok. Thank you very much.


Regards from Austria

Ferdinand Gruber

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