[kronolith] Migrating Kronolith data to new instance

r.wiesbach at web.de r.wiesbach at web.de
Thu Feb 27 18:02:08 UTC 2020

I noticed that our Kronolith server does no longer send invitation
emails when adding users to an appointment. As a first step of debugging
I intended to upgrade to the current version (apt upgrade, pear upgrade
and pecl upgrade) and I noticed there are a lot of dependencies that
seem to be nontrivial to migrate from php5 to php7. Avoiding the
dependency hell I would like to have a fresh ubuntu LTS with horde
Kronolith. However I cannot find a documentation about how to extract
data (users account, calenders, tasks and if possible configuration as
well). Yes, I can clone the sql database, but that would be kind of
dirty again wouln't it?

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