TR : [mimp] MIMP without IMP login

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at
Thu Jul 3 11:34:26 PDT 2003

Quoting Akom <lists at>:

> ---------------------------------------------
> // If MIMP isn't responsible for Horde auth, and no one is logged into
> // Horde, redirect to the login screen.
> if (!(Auth::isAuthenticated() || (Auth::getProvider() == 'mimp'))) {
>     Horde::authenticationFailureRedirect();
> }
> ---------------------------------------------
> It seems to me that this logic is flawed...(first, if not authed - then send
> it to main login, second - when mimp, send it to main login???) ...

That's not what it says. It says to redirect if someone isn't authenticated AND
MIMP isn't providing logins.

> Actually commenting out all of it would be even faster.

And very broken.

> Actually I was hoping that setting the "allow_guest" in registry.php for mimp
> would achieve this but it doesn't...

Right; why would MIMP honor allow_guests? It doesn't do anything without a


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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