[mimp] URL not found (/horde/mimp/sessionID)

Rafael Varela Pet srrafa at usc.es
Tue Mar 14 00:04:36 PST 2006


El lun, 13-03-2006 a las 10:07 -0500, Rick Emery escribió:

> I've installed mimp (latest CVS head) and set up composite  
> authentication. When I log in, and select "Mobile Mail", I am taken to  
> my Inbox. When I select "Menu", I get a "404" error:
> "The requested URL  
> /horde/mimp/[a-long-string-that-looks-like-a-session-ID] was not found  
> on this server."
> Do I have something misconfigured?

Take a look at



Rafael Varela Pet
Area de Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicacións

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
15782 Santiago de Compostela

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