[mnemo] Memo categories and the summary screen

Brian Keifer brian at valinor.net
Fri Dec 27 23:49:37 PST 2002

Hi, List.

Mnemo poked me in the eye this morning and said it (he?  she?) felt left out. 
Attached are the necessary files to give Mnemo the ability to limit what
categories of memos are shown on the Horde summary screen.  The attached
showsummaryselect.inc file is new and goes in mnemo/templates/prefs/.

Credit where credit is due:  the code itself is straight from Chuck's commit of
John Morrissey's Nag patch earlier this week.  Thanks, John!

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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/mnemo/attachments/20021227/3add679a/mnemo_summary_categories.bin
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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/mnemo/attachments/20021227/3add679a/showsummaryselect.obj

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