[mnemo] Memo categories and the summary screen

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Dec 28 13:12:07 PST 2002

Zitat von Brian Keifer <brian at valinor.net>:

> Hi, List.
> Mnemo poked me in the eye this morning and said it (he?  she?) felt left
> out.
> Attached are the necessary files to give Mnemo the ability to limit what
> categories of memos are shown on the Horde summary screen.  The attached
> showsummaryselect.inc file is new and goes in mnemo/templates/prefs/.
> Credit where credit is due:  the code itself is straight from Chuck's
> commit of
> John Morrissey's Nag patch earlier this week.  Thanks, John!

Committed thanks.


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