[nag] feature request - possible consulting job

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Jul 14 21:41:21 UTC 2015

Please don't top post.

Quoting Sebastian Birnbach <birnbacs at gmail.com>:

> Michael,
> for the moment suppoort of accepted/declined would answer our most urgent
> needs. Not believing my luck after reading your mail I looked again but no,
> I could't find a corresponding checkbox in Nag. I also looked in the
> backend database for a corresponding field but could not find one. Is it
> possible that any extra modules must be installed on top of Nag?

This is implemented in Git, not available via PEAR. I.e., it's for the  
next feature release. You would need to be running a development  

> The assignee will be "internal" in that he/she is ar regular Horde user,
> the setting you proposed may not be required.

The functionality will not be available in the UI unless this is  
enabled. There were technical reasons (though I don't remember the  
specifics at the moment), as well as BC reasons, for this.

> Having said that, I was not
> able to  "configure Nag to allow external assignees via the configuration
> screen". I looked in the Administrator settings unter HTTP interface. Could
> you please be a little more specific where to find the setting?

If you are running a Git install, it's in the Nag configuration screen.

> As for the consulting: having been IT consultant for some time myself I am
> trying to avoid a hen-and-egg-problem. As soon as I know exactly what I
> want I shall get back to Horde LLC. I will probably need a few small bits
> at first and may have a larger project later on. BTW: the time horizon is a
> few weeks for supporting accepted/declined in Horde and until fall for
> Thunderbird/Lightning support.
>   Sebastian
> 2015-07-13 16:56 GMT+02:00 Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Quoting Sebastian Birnbach <birnbacs at gmail.com>:
>>  Dear all,
>>> we are using Nag for organising work in a smaller company. We have remote
>>> workers who carry out specific jobs, e.g. typing a dictate or producing a
>>> CAD illustration from a sketch. To provide better
>>> automatisation/integration we need at least one additional feature in
>>> Horde/Nag. We realise that a feature request to the dev team would
>>> probably
>>> not meet our time requirements, so a paid consulting job may be
>>> acceptable.
>>> Here is what we have in mind:
>>> * support of participation status for tasks (see
>>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.2.12)
>>> * complete with UI components for status display/manipulation in Nag's
>>> HTML
>>> interface
>>> * access to task status via Nag API
>>> * E-Mail notifications on status changes:
>>>   new task in shared to-do list (mail to delegatee)
>>>   optional: task accepted (mail to delegator)
>>>   optional: task declined (mail to delegator)
>>>   optional: task completed (mail to delegator)
>>> * ideally compatible with Mozilla Thunderbird / Lightning (iCal or CalDAV
>>> connection)
>>> There may be more consulting jobs required *later*. For instance we are
>>> looking for a way to include task deliverables when closing a task
>>> (delegatee attaches the results of his work to the task and marks the task
>>> as completed).
>>> I am looking forward to hearing from you if you're interested in taking
>>> the
>>> job. Please share your ideas on how much effort implementation is likely
>>> to
>>> be, measured in consulting time and/or in price.
>>> Also, if there is anybody else who needs such functionality and is willing
>>> to contribute to funding the implementation, please let me know.
>> There was actually already some work towards this done in Git master while
>> integrating ActiveSync and supporting the responses that Outlook/Exchange
>> sends in TNEF files. The UI doesn't currently include much more than the
>> completed/not-completed toggle and the accepted/denied status of the
>> assignee, but there is already API support for updating attendees' PARTSTAT
>> from incoming iTip responses, ability to generate iTips on task
>> updates/status changes and IMP's iTIP viewer was extended to display and
>> handle the Task iTips (including sending the accepted/denied response). In
>> order to enable it, you must configure Nag to allow external assignees via
>> the configuration screen.
>> As far as the rest of it goes, you don't mention your time frame. You are
>> correct though, in that the dev team (most of which also consult through
>> Horde LLC) is quite time-strapped at the moment. However, if you would like
>> to discuss more specifics off-list, you can email additional comments/info
>> to info at horde.org - which goes directly to our consulting business'
>> ticketing system.
>> --
>> mike
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