[nag] New install help please...

Jon Parise jon@horde.org
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 23:26:36 -0400

On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 05:03:14PM -0700, Doug Forman wrote:

> I'm having a little trouble getting nag going.  Horde & IMP seem to be 
> working fine.  System is a Cobalt Qube2 (RH52 linux).  Output from 
> test.php is below.  Using the current stable MySQL version.  Horde prefs 
> are working fine with MySQL.  I created a table within the horde 
> database exactly as described in the schema.  In 
> horde/nag/config/conf.php I used these lines:

> Symptom:  nag won't save a task.  Create a new task, enter info, click 
> save, and receive a message that "the requested task does not exist."  
> I've double-checked the schema, spelling, etc. but no luck.
> Any ideas/suggestions would be warmly appreciated!

I don't have an idea off-hand.  You'll need to do a little more
investigating, like attempting to view the actual query strings
(in nag/lib/Storage/sql.php) before they are executed or by
examing your MySQL activity.

I'd investigate more myself, but I just learned that the latest
PEAR changes break a lot of our code, and I have to sort all of
that out first (too tired right now).  I don't think that's the
case for you being you're running PHP 4.0.6, and these PEAR
changes only occured this past weekend, though.

Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu)  .  Rochester Inst. of Technology
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member