[nag] shared lists

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Sat Mar 22 11:04:13 PST 2003

Quoting Hermit <hermit at stateofconfusion.net>:

| Quoting "eculp at encontacto.net" <eculp at encontacto.net>:
| >
| > I'm sure that Eric has something much better in the user documentation at
| > http://horde.org
| All I could find was the FAQ, which does little more than mention NAQ.
| >
| >   - From nag click on options -> Task Lists -> Edit your task lists
| >   - Fill in name for the shared task maybe something like "our shared
| tasks"
| >   - Fill in description
| >   - From the "Task List's Type" dropdown select shared
| >   - Click on create
| Using Nag 1.1
| OK.  I'm in trouble right from the beginning.
| Under options I have Language, display and catagory management.
| So I choose catagory managment.  Seems to be the most relavent.
| It lets me create, rename and delete catagories.  I get no TAsk List's Type
| dropdown.  No drop down at all.  I have gone through the configs, and changed
| a few values, but no joy.

My fault.  I didn't ask the right question.  "Which version are you using?"
The reason I didn't was because after you answer I won't have the foggiest
idea if shared resources are available for that particular release.  I've
never run anything but cvs head and it's been available in head for a long
long time.  I'll need someone else to chime in after you have answered.
If you only have "Language, display and catagory management" you will 
need to upgrade.  Head is working fine if you feel like giving it a shot.

Sorry to have not asked what version you were running.  By the question I
assumed current/head.

Good luck,



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