[sam] IMP Filters Blacklist using SAM blacklist

Steven Alexson steve at alexson.org
Wed May 21 10:46:01 PDT 2003

2 questions...

1. Is there a way for the blacklist shown in IMP Filters to read/update the SAM
filters, so that users do not get confused and end up with 2 blacklists? The
Blacklist/Whitelist links within the folder view do link to Sam, as set by the
registry entry for Sam (provide...).

2. I am running SpamAssassin within MIMEDefang. I also have SpamAssassin
configured to use SQL user prefs, as configured in Sam. Does anyone know if
there is anything special that has to be done, either within Sam or the
MIMEDefang config to allow for the blacklist to be read when mail is processed
by MIMEDefang? Spam is being tagged, so I know that part is working. It doesn't
seem to be reading the user blacklist though. I know this might be a question
more appropriate for a SpamAssassin/MIMEDefang list, but I thought someone
might have a clue about this here.
Steven Alexson

"Common sense is not so common." --Voltaire

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