[sam] Installing SAM

=?IS)-8859-1?Q?JImmy_M=2E_Fern=E1ndez=2E?= jimmy at ariel.efis.ucr.ac.cr
Wed May 21 17:52:33 PDT 2003


I am trying to install sam on my test machine, but I had to apply several
patches  in order of to make it works with the recent horde version
(2.2.3), but still I coud not  install it, basically because there is not
conf.php in the config directory, I do not know wich are the all variables
that this module need to be specified in the conf.php file.

Can somebody to give a little help with this?

May be an earlier conf.php may help me.

Thank You in Advance for all the help you can provide me with this, and
because of this nice project.

By the way, is the module being still developped or is dead?


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