[sam] Re: using sam imp spamassasin????

Mark Fink mark_fink at web.de
Fri Feb 25 06:28:57 PST 2005


I am now able to refrase my question not more intelligent but a little 
more informed.

I want to use clamav and spamassassin therefore the amavisd 
content-filtering mechanism is the way to go??!
 From the sam distribution do I install only the amavisd_sql script or 
do   I need spamd_sql too? Which database do I install the tables into? 
I installed into the horde database and all the tables are empty. I do 
not know yet where sam has stored my blacklist entries (I gues they 
should go into the wblist table).
I think there is some havy configuration necessary on the amavisd side 
too. I googled a lot but I did not find the necessary adjustments. Is it 
the amavisd.conf file?

Please help.

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