[sork] Re: Passwd changing IMP + LDAP + POP3
Edwin Culp
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 18:06:36 -0700
t seems to work great.
| Please test it and let me know what happens.
It works if your acl's allow anonymous reads -- or writes :-) My work
around is to change the method for determining the user's dn in ldap.php
function lookupdn($user, $realm, $basedn, $uid) {
// $sr = ldap_search($this->ds, $basedn, "$uid=$user@$realm");
// $entry = ldap_first_entry($this->ds, $sr);
// $dn = ldap_get_dn($this->ds, $entry);
$dn = $basedn;
return $dn;
Which makes the function a place holder, at best, for now.
In my conf.php I just added the following as basedn
basedn => 'mail=' . $usermail . ',ou=people,o=worldinternet.org',
That way I do not depend on an anonymous search to find the dn that fails
with read permission.
| The issue with this that was reported to me, as opposed to the other way
| of binding as root and changing the password, is as follows:
| > now this works perfect in my configuration, but when using pam-ldap, the
| >
| > by anonymous auth
| >
| > has to be
| >
| > by anonymous read
That would be the same with or without pam-ldap, IMO. I am not using pam-ldap.
and see the same.
| >
| > otherwise pam-ldap refuses to authenticate. Atleast that's would i've read
| a
| > couple of times.
| Any one know anything about pam-ldap and why its ldap acl might differ from
| other installations?
I don't see why it would.