[sork] Debian Packages

Derek J. Balling dredd@megacity.org
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 23:01:27 -0400

At 9:57 PM -0500 7/10/02, Eric Rostetter wrote:
>I can't speak for anyone else.  But if I do make an package it would be
>for RedHat and not debian.  I understand there are converters to convert
>to/from RedHat and Debian packages.  Not sure if they work well or not.
>So, I might eventually release an RPM, and if so, we might be able to
>convert it to a DEB if you want...
>No time frame though...  Right now I'm still trying to make an official
>tarball ;)

Do you know who is maintaining the Debian packages that are on the 
Debian mirrors? is that "someone official" or just someone who 
decided they wanted .deb's and started repackaging the official 
tarballs into the debian tree?

Alien will convert RPM->deb, but it is... heinous would be a good word. ;-)


| Derek J. Balling             | "You can get more with a kind  |
| dredd@megacity.org           |  word and a two-by-four, than  |
| www.megacity.org/blog/       |  you can with just a kind      |
|                              |  word."               - Marcus |