[sork] Is /admin part of sork? + patches for samba and apg.

Tarjei Huse tarjei+a_lists.phpgw@nu.no
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 15:11:03 +0200

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1. I downloaded the /admin project from cvs. Is this part of Sork? If not, where
deos i belong?

In the extension to this, I saw that the admin module uses the Auth object from
horde to do it's tasks. When I looked at the driver for Ldap (and probably sql)
It seemed rather barebones. I'm considering extending the driver so I can let
som non-technical users use horde to add and remove users in a wider setting
(samba & posix). 

Therefore I am wondering what is the best way to extend the admin module. I'd
like to make a "usertemplatefile" for configuring the user - so that an
administrator can choose sensible defaults and let the non-technical user only
worry about username, phonenumber and quotasize (f.x.). 

I've tried finding more info on admin in CVS and by searching the maillinglists,
but the keyword is way too normal and the cvs entries doesn't help me that much. 

2. I've made a few patches to passwd:

One patch that makes use of the program mkntpwd to create samba/samba-tng nt/lm
passwd hashes and change them as well. This is usefull if your samba-ldapserver
isnot on the same machine or you do not want to bother samba with the pwd
changing prosess.

Another problem I've wanted to get around is users choosing stupid passwords
(name of their pet dog etc.). 

The idea is to use program called apg (found on sourceforge) to greate random
passwords and then display a list of suggested passwords to the user and ask
him/her to use one of them.

the files are:
conf.php.patch for the new config options needed.
ldap.php.patch for the changes inn ldap.php
main.php.patch for the patches to main for using apg.
template/main-options.inc for displaying the suggested passwords.

The changes are not perfect, but I hope that you will consider them, suggest
changes and/or adapt them into sork.


Tarjei Huse

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