[sork] sork - vpopmail

sork@stean.ch sork@stean.ch
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 13:46:40 +0200

Quoting Dan Wilson <dan@acucore.com>:

> Stean,
> We have built a vpopmail driver for passwd as well, but due to the file 
> permission issues with the vpopmail PHP extention, it is kind of a poor 
> solution.  I would like to take a look at your code and see if you were able
> to come up with a better solution.
> -Dan

I made an executable to change the password, called in PHP via exec(),
the simplest way I found in the time I got for it to make it work.
So I have the issues with the permissions too, but not really a problem.

The php files from passwd needed just some additional lines to work with 
poppassd or my command line tool.

I will send you my code as soon as I get home today.
