[sork] vacation problem - DOS line endings

Lars Hecking lhecking@nmrc.ie
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 19:14:35 +0100

> My guess is that either:
> * Your web broswer is including them in the submitted text

 mozilla-cvs, a few days old, running on a Solaris 7/SPARC box.

> * Your ftp server is inserting them in the ftp transfer
 Hhm. I just discovered in vacation.php:

| function ftp_copy_file($user, $realm, $pass, $src, $dst, $mode=FTP_ASCII)

 Just for testing, what is the corresponding value for binary? FTP_BINARY?

> But I'll have to try to check on this, and see if I can figure it out
> or reproduce it.  By chance are you setting the vacation from a web
> browser running on a windows platform?

 I just tried this with netscape 4.79 running on a Solaris 8/SPARC box,
 same result. ftp is the native Solaris ftp/ftpd.