[sork] vacation issue
Eric Rostetter
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 16:55:11 -0500
Quoting Shannon Lekas <shannon@flyingmug.com>:
Check if your vacation binary is in /usr/local/bin/vacation (rather than,
say, /usr/bin/vacation). If not, then change the config file to point
to the real location. Most of the time the error you report is from the
file not being found, or not being able to run (permissions, etc).
If that is not the case, then repost your question.
> <abarnes@flyingmug.com>: Command died with status 1: "/usr/local/bin/vacation
> abarnes"
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
"TAD (Technology Attachment Disorder) is an unshakable, impractical devotion
to a brand, platform, product line, or programming language. It's relatively
harmless among the rank and file, but when management is afflicted the damage
can be measured in dollars. It's also contagious -- someone with sufficient
political clout can infect an entire organization."
--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.