[sork] Feature request

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 17:44:24 -0500

Quoting Peter Andersson <peter.andersson@larare.finspong.se>:

> > > I use Postfix/Courier with MySQL as backend. I would love to have the
> > > forward set in my MySQL db instead of .forward files.
> >
> > On the to-do list.
> At the top or bottom? Any time est?

Near the bottom, since I don't run Postfix, Courier, or MySQL.  :)
But seriously, did you look at the CVS HEAD version of forwards and 
vacations at the sql driver there?  It is for exim, but maybe can be
adapted for use in your setup?

The sql driver is not tested/debugged, but it is in CVS HEAD, and you
can contact the author 

Ilya Krel <mail@krel.org.org>

for help.

> > > I don't think I can do it myself. I do some PHP programming, but it is

Maybe Ilya will help you (don't know, but you could ask) and you could work
together to imporve the sql support?

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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