[sork] Vacation Ftp problem

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:51:40 -0500

Quoting Federico Guizzardi <federb@netfarm.it>:

> Hi, this is my first time about installing horde and vacation, and i found
> a little problem:
> when i put my password and try to submit the vacation form, the answer is
> that there's a problem with a constant undefined called FTP_ASCII.
> Can someone help me??
> Thanks a lot.
> Bye.

One of two problems.  

First cause would be if you don't have ftp support in your php.  Run the
horde/test.php script and check if you have ftp support.  If not, install it.

Second cause would be if you are running the tarball release of vacation, 
with PHP 4.2?  AFAIK, his only occurs with PHP 4.2 and above, and was fixed
in CVS a while back (back when PHP 4.2 came out).  If so, either upgrade to
a newer CVS version (RELENG_2) of vacation, or edit vacation.php and remove
the quotes from around any references to "FTP_ASCII".  (That is, change
"FTP_ASCII" to FTP_ASCII).  I think it only occurs once in the file, but
not sure...

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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