[sork] Passwd mod with imp3 probs

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 10:29:46 -0500

Quoting Mike Egglestone <megglestone@heritage.sd57.bc.ca>:

> I have followed the docs in "passwd-2" and have the
> Password link showing up in the imp3 menu bar.
> However, when I click on the link,
> I recieve this error:
> Notice: Use of undefined constant host - assumed 'host'
> in /usr/share/horde2/passwd/config/conf.php on line 21
> Notice: Use of undefined constant port - assumed 'port'
> in /usr/share/horde2/passwd/config/conf.php on line 21

edit your passwd/config/conf.php file and on line 21 put single
quotes around the words 'host' and 'port'.

> Warning: Failed opening '/etc/horde2/../passwd/templates/common-header.inc'
> for
> inclusion (include_path='.:/etc/horde2:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/horde2')
> in /usr/share/horde2/passwd/main.php on line 6
> Fatal error: Failed opening required '/etc/horde2/../passwd/status.php'
> (include_path='.:/etc/horde2:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/horde2')
> in /usr/share/horde2/passwd/main.php on line 105
> I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this,
> Any help would be great!

This seems like a configuration issue with your php search path, or a bad
(incomplete) install of the passwd module.

Anyone else have any ideas?
> Thanks
> Mike

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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