[sork] Passwd mod with imp3 probs

Mike Egglestone megglestone@heritage.sd57.bc.ca
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 08:55:21 -0700

Thanks for the responses!
I have added the single quotes to LINE 21 and the first 2 errors have gone away.
Now I'm just getting this error:

Warning: Failed opening '/etc/horde2/../passwd/templates/common-header.inc' for 
inclusion (include_path='.:/etc/horde2:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/horde2') 
in /usr/share/horde2/passwd/main.php on line 6

Fatal error: Failed opening required '/etc/horde2/../passwd/status.php' 
in /usr/share/horde2/passwd/main.php on line 105

> This seems like a configuration issue with your php search path, or a bad
> (incomplete) install of the passwd module.

Is there more to install the "passwd" module?
All I did was download the tar ball, untar into /usr/share/horde2
I removed the ".dist" from the conf.php.dist and html.php.dist in

I then edited /etc/horde2/registry.php and added the passwd phrase in.
I then edited /etc/imp3/conf.php and added the passwd line in.
(taken from the docs folder from passwd)

Thats basically it.
Is there more to do perhaps?

Line 6 from my main.php looks like this:
include  $registry->getTemplatePath() . '/common-header.inc';

Line 105 looks like this:
require $registry->getFileRoot() . '/status.php';


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