[sork] vacation not working

marc.bigler@day.com marc.bigler@day.com
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 21:51:45 +0200

<P>&nbsp;<BR><FONT FACE="Monospace,Courier">&gt;I assume (hope) it is the horde ftp site?<BR></FONT></P><P><FONT FACE="Monospace,Courier">Sure :-)</FONT></P><P><BR><FONT FACE="Monospace,Courier">&gt;2) Create valid files, store them somewhere, and modify the code to use them.<BR>&gt;Steps follow:<BR></FONT><BR>I used your second option and this worked fine, just created an empty &quot;template&quot; as vacation.db and use it instead of /dev/null.</P><P>Many thanks again for your support </P><P>Best Regards</P><P>Marc</P><P></P>