[sork] include path error solution

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 15:22:55 -0500

Quoting Tommi Äijälä <tommi.aijala@clegroup.fi>:

> > Warning: Failed opening
> '/etc/horde2/../passwd/templates/common-header.inc'
> > for
> > inclusion (include_path='.:/etc/horde2:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/horde2')
> > in /usr/share/horde2/passwd/main.php on line 6
> Is usually appearing when the .php files (yes the FILES) have wrong rights
> assigned
> solution:
> chod a+xrw /etc/horde2/* -R

Sounds good, except change it to "a+rx" rather than "a+rxw" since there
is definately not a need for write access.
> if it works then just remove the rights not needed :)


> TIP:
> for security reasons u could remove the read rights on .php files for
> "other"
> users (chmod o-rx) on your systems and ADD to the apache user on your system
> to
> belong to the same group as the owner of files in /etc/horde2/.
> Tommi Aijala

And not set write permission on the files, except for owner. ;)

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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