[sork] Re: [dev] stylesheet problem....
Amith Varghese
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 22:23:42 -0400
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> I have seen no problems with css and password except for a lack there of in
> passwd/main.php :-)
So you are saying that themes (such as Mozilla) show up correctly? WHen I goto
the password screen, it "gets it half right". Some of the background color
from the mozilla theme doesn't show correctly. If I comment out the "optional"
section with the Auth::getAuth() and clear my browser's cache, the theme shows
up normally like its supposed to.
I'm attaching a screenshot of what happens
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Name: password_screen.jpg
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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/sork/attachments/20020920/83c28ba0/password_screen.bin
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