[sork] Re: [dev] stylesheet problem....

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 20:32:01 -0700

Quoting Amith Varghese <amith@xalan.com>:

 | > I have seen no problems with css and password except for a lack there of
 | in
 | > passwd/main.php :-)
 | So you are saying that themes (such as Mozilla) show up correctly?  

No, that is what I meant in the above statement.  I don't have any style
sheets on the passwd/main.php page but it does work :-)  I'm going to
try and find out why in the morning.


 | WHen I
 | goto 
 | the password screen, it "gets it half right".  Some of the background color 
 | from the mozilla theme doesn't show correctly.  If I comment out the
 | "optional" 
 | section with the Auth::getAuth() and clear my browser's cache, the theme
 | shows 
 | up normally like its supposed to.
 | I'm attaching a screenshot of what happens
 | Amith
