[sork] Code Duplicate Auth:: Passwd_Driver::

Mike Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Tue Oct 15 04:52:48 PDT 2002

I've been noticeing how similar the Auth and Passwd_Driver class are getting and
wondering what people would think about this:

Remove all the passwd drivers. Add a 'changepasswd' capability to the Auth
drivers and add a changePassword($username, $oldPassword, $newPassword) function
the the Auth api.

With the changes I have made, the Passwd drivers need to be able to authenticate
the users password, which is what the Auth driver allready know how to do.
Instead of teaching the Passwd drivers this, it would be better to teach the
Auth drivers to change passwords.

Another option would be to have the Passwd drivers extend the Auth drivers, I guess.

Thoughs / Comments?

- Mike :-)

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