[sork] Problem about file .forward

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Dec 5 19:06:06 2002

Quoting Matteo <matteo@oldamerika.com>:

> I'm set forward module on horde, but this don't work. When I set a forward to
> other mail it write in share of user .forward file but sendmail don't forward
> mail to new address.

What are the contents of the file?  What are the permissions on the file?
Are there any errors in the sendmail log file?  If you try to send a message
to the user on the mail server, does it generate an error message?

> I use redhat 7.3 with sendmail that know file .forward ?? why it don't work
> ??

My first guess would be permissions, but that is just a guess...  Please
provide more information like log file information, file permissions, and
file contents.

> Bye
> Matteo

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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