[sork] Problem about file .forward

Lars Hecking lhecking at nmrc.ie
Fri Dec 6 16:34:43 2002

Matteo writes:
> > What are the contents of the file?  What are the permissions on the file?
> In my .forward file forward module write only email address, permission on
> .forward file are: "-rw-r--r--"
> > Are there any errors in the sendmail log file?  If you try to send a
> message
> > to the user on the mail server, does it generate an error message?
> No, in my /var/log/messages and in /var/log/maillog not present any error
> when I sent one email to this user
> Now, my friends tall me that I must check sendmail.mc and then recompile all
> ??!!
> I see it but I don't found any that help me to configure .forward !!!
 You need to check whether sendmail allows .forward files, where it looks
 for them, and whether they are in safe (non-group or world writable

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