[sork] Confused about the proper order of things when using passwd

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Mar 10 20:56:35 PST 2003

Quoting David Mandala <davidm at them.com>:

> When I click "Change your password" to submit the form (with it filled
> out correctly) it then pops up a box that says:
> Select User
> And the caption in the box that says:
> Select the user whose password is being changed.
> and there is a list of names most of the time that includes my user name
> but at least once it did not and many times list it twice!
> mail.westusa.com:davidm
> mail.westusa.com:localhost
> mail.westusa.com:davidm
> If I select one of my user name entries and click OK my password gets
> changed correctly.

Sounds like browser autocompletion to me. See

> Everything else seems to be working correctly, this was the last module
> to be installed and while it is working, I somehow don't think it is
> working correctly at the current time.

There is no such code in the passwd module to do what you are describing.
I'm fairly sure you are seeing browser autocompletion.  Turn it off in
your browser, and it should 'fix' things.
> Thanks in advance.
> David Mandala

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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