[sork] ldap password change question
eculp at encontacto.net
eculp at encontacto.net
Tue Mar 18 17:47:26 PST 2003
Quoting Joe Cave <Joe at tendocom.com>:
| here's my ldap access:
| access to * attr=userPassword,cn,sn,givenName,hordePrefs,impPrefs,turbaPrefs
| by self write
by * auth
Hey Joe,
Just from your ACL, I'm going to take a stab in the dark. The driver
expects to be able to do an anonymous bind first which you are not allowing.
I think that the solution is to use the passwd hooks that are defined in
horde/config/hooks.php. I need to do that too. I'm using an old ldap.php
driver that I hacked to solve the problem before the hooks and had actually
forgotten about them. Thanks for reminding me:-)
I just got rid of my old ldap.php and checked out the latest, configured
the userdn hook, copy of mine at the bottom of this email, and went into
administration -> configure -> password and checked the ldap userdn hook
and it worked. I'm sure yours will be just as easy.
Good luck,
The userdn hook takes the Auth::getAuth() parameter so yours should
work with return 'uid=' . $auth . ',ou=accounts,dc=ld,dc=dir'; based
on your previously attached configuration.
Mine is:
if (!function_exists('_passwd_hook_userdn')) {
function _passwd_hook_userdn($auth)
return 'uid=' . $auth . ',ou=people,o=mydomain.org';
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