[sork] passwd vpopmail mysql

akanksha prabhat akanksha_18 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 21 13:00:37 PDT 2003

hey people Has anyone implemented horde with mysql and vpopmail. If yes' If they can let me know how  I have used horde to authenticate through vpopmail which uses mysql at the backend.
These are my table in vpopmail databases
mysql> SHOW TABLES FROM vpopmail;
| Tables_in_vpopmail    |
| annapolislinux_org    |
| dir_control           |
| hdfc_com              |
| hdfcbank_com          |
| lastauth              |
| localhost_localdomain |
| relay                 |
7 rows in set (0.05 sec)mysql> SELECT * FROM vpopmail.dir_control;
| domain                | cur_users | level_cur | level_max | level_start0 | level_start1 | level_start2 | level_end0 | level_end1 | level_end2 | level_mod0 | level_mod1 | level_mod2 | level_index0 | level_index1 | level_index2 | the_dir |
| dom_107               |         4 |         0 |         3 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         61 |
   61 |         61 |          0 |          2 |          4 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         |
| localhost.localdomain |         3 |         0 |         3 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         61 |
   61 |         61 |          0 |          2 |          4 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         |
| annapolislinux.org    |         2 |         0 |         3 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         61 |
   61 |         61 |          0 |          2 |          4 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         |
| hdfcbank.com          |         9 |         0 |         3 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         61 |
   61 |         61 |          0 |          2 |          4 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         |
| hdfc.com              |         3 |         0 |         3 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         61 |
   61 |         61 |          0 |          2 |          4 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         |
5 rows in set (0.06 sec)
mysql> SELECT * FROM vpopmail.lastauth;
| user             | domain                | remote_ip | timestamp  |
| postmaster       | localhost.localdomain |   | 1049695975 |
| akankshapkumar   | localhost.localdomain | imap      | 1049865798 |
| soumyas          | localhost.localdomain | imap      | 1049809519 |
| postmaster       | annapolislinux.org    |   | 1049696985 |
| aki              | annapolislinux.org    | imap      | 1049697183 |
| postmaster       | hdfcbank.com          |   | 1049800827 |
| soumya           | hdfcbank.com          | imap      | 1049888622 |
| akanksha         | hdfcbank.com          | imap      | 1049876682 |
| shrehman         | hdfcbank.com          | imap      | 1050391250 |
| anand.sankararam | hdfcbank.com          |   | 1049867641 |
| harish.shetty    | hdfcbank.com          | imap      | 1050401996 |
| cnram            | hdfcbank.com          | imap      | 1050410180 |
| s#rehman         | hdfcbank.com          |   | 1049876468 |
| postmaster       | hdfc.com              |   | 1049889387 |
| s.h.rehman       | hdfcbank.com          |   | 1049876725 |
| anand            | hdfc.com              | imap      | 1049890145 |
| soumya           | hdfc.com              | imap      | 1050402109 |
17 rows in set (0.07 sec)
mysql> SELECT * FROM vpopmail.relay;
| ip_addr    | timestamp  |
| | 1050410180 |
1 row in set (0.07 sec)
mysql> SELECT * FROM vpopmail.hdfcbank_com;
| pw_name          | pw_passwd                       | pw_uid | pw_gid | pw_gecos           | pw_dir
                      | pw_shell         | pw_clear_passwd |
| postmaster       | $1$Eq6;v$Po1F62dL2KS82apGwAR5q/ |      0 |      0 | Postmaster         | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/postmaster       | 10000000S,10000C | soumya          |
| soumya           | $1$eBBgA$kfEg5evrBHM84KgxDS/Up1 |      0 |      0 | soumya s           | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/soumya           | 20000            | soumya          |
| akanksha         | $1$5RDnr$M96VMRkAdCOSprNcu5Mcn0 |      0 |      0 | akanksha           | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/akanksha         | 20000            | akanksha        |
| shrehman         | $1$MOcek$MFgb/ZOAGPJcRVyaDtu5t0 |      0 |      0 | shrehman           | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/shrehman         | 20000            | rehman          |
| anand.sankararam | $1$j5RZu$kZcGam0h04taB8TCurGMK0 |      0 |      0 | anand+sankararaman | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/anand.sankararam | 20000            | anand           |
| harish.shetty    | $1$lAWRj$LjktnjxuoBvjIieebqmM2. |      0 |      0 | harish             | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/harish.shetty    | 20000            | harish          |
| cnram            | $1$GVLMh$dHgEVmxCfJk8EMUmIWue20 |      0 |      0 | c+n+ram            | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/cnram            | 20000            | ram             |
| s#rehman         | $1$GT.J7$p/3W2if.gLz53z1kHL002/ |      0 |      0 | rehman+s           | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/s#rehman         | 2000             | rehman          |
| s.h.rehman       | $1$rLtZ6$i.a017dG8m3DPvwkzAjyR/ |      0 |      0 | rehman+sh          | /home/vpopmail/domains/hdfcbank.com/s.h.rehman       | 2000             | rehman          |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec
Now what i have to do is to make the passwd module workhey eric 
thanks for the reply
 two morwe questions
1.One fix would be the username hook to append the domain... I didnt understand what d u mean by this
2. U have any idea how hthe vpopmail database looks like normally As i have installed froma toaster
akankshaakanksha prabhat <akanksha_18 at yahoo.com> wrote:
I have download the latest CVS version of passwd. MY
horde and iMp are working. 
When i try to change password 
I get this 
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in
/var/www/html/horde/passwd/lib/Driver/vpopmail.php on
line 115Warning: Cannot add header information - headers
already sent by (output started at
on line 4Warning: Cannot add header information - headers
already sent by (output started at
Failure in changing password: User not foundTHis is my Backends.php$backends['vpopmail'] = array (
'name' => 'vpopmail Authentication',
'preferred' => '',
'password policy' => array(
'minLength' => 3,
'maxLength' => 8,
'maxSpace' => 0,
'minUpper' => 0,
'minLower' => 0,
'minNumeric' => 0
'driver' => 'vpopmail',
'params' => array(
'phptype' => 'mysql',
'hostspec' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'vpopmail',
'password' => 'akanksha',
//'encryption' => '',
'database' => 'vpopmail',
'table' => 'hdfcbank_com',
'name' => 'pw_name',
'domain' => 'pw_domain',
'passwd' => 'pw_passwd',
'clear_passwd' => 'pw_clear_passwd',
'use_clear_passwd' => true
);Please help me out. Also i wanted to know theat the passwd module is experimental or stable

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