[sork] Problem: how to display mailbox quota in Accounts v2.0 using Unix quota

Ju Kong Fui kongfui at fuxionit.com
Sat May 3 09:40:32 PDT 2003

I am sorry, I did not provide enough info in my previous mail.

I am running RH8.  I use the method provided in the link that you sent and it 

One thousand thanks to you.

Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:

> Quoting Ju Kong Fui <kongfui at fuxionit.com>:
> > Hi all
> >
> > How do I display the mailbox quota in Accounts v2.0 using Unix quota
> command?
> No idea.  Like what system are you running?  If you are running RedHat and
> wu-imap, then see the following link.
> https://mail.ph.utexas.edu/patches/wu-imap-quotas
> > I am able to display the above quota for only root, but not for other
> > mailboxes.
> We need to know more info about your system.  If RH 7.x, you will need a
> modified quota command, or use the sudo solution, both described at the
> above link.  If you are using RH 8 or above, you only need to suid quota
> or use the sudo solution, both described in the above link.  In any case,
> if you are running RedHat see the above link.  If you aren't running RH,
> then the above link may still help if you are using wu-imap.  But since
> I really have no clue what you are running, I can't help much...
> --
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd!
> -- 
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