[sork] Set up questions

ian turley ianturley at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jun 3 06:55:12 PDT 2003

Excellant :-).  Looking to move to sql, hence why the

 --- Eric Rostetter
<eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu> wrote: > Quoting
ian turley <ianturley at yahoo.co.uk>:
> > In reply to question 2:
> > I am not using any Head versions.  I am using
> horde
> > 2.2.3 and passwd 2.2.
> Okay.  I think the last release was broken for some
> drivers.  I thought
> it was only vpopmail, but maybe the sql also.  Been
> a long time since
> I looked at the code, and my memory is fuzzy.
> > If I comment out the line it works fine.
> What line?  The getDriverConfig call?  If so, yes,
> that would be the
> problem, and a fix (though maybe not the best fix). 
> If you can grab
> a releng_2 snapshot, or update from the CVS RELENG_2
> tree, you'll get
> a better fix (or check the old sork list archives
> for a patch).
> But since you say you have unix passwords in /etc,
> there is no need to
> try sql or vpopmail drivers.  You need to use one
> compatible with your
> setup, which might be one of the poppassd or expect
> drivers.
> -- 
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd! 

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