[sork] fixes to vacation to address items in TODO

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Wed Sep 10 07:59:21 PDT 2003

Quoting John Woodell <woodie at netpress.com>:

> - The user does not need to provide their password or aliases.
>   The password comes from horde, and the aliases come from ldap.

The first is a security issue (and should be a configuration option
if anything), the second is a bad assumption that aliases should come
from ldap (instead of elsewhere).

>   Note: in the distro, the the aliases feature was broken,
>         whatever you entered was simply ignored.

This was fixed a long time ago in CVS but a new release was never made
including it.

> - The name of the user and homedir location are picked up
>   from the system (so hopefully horde is running on the same
>   UNIX box that is running imap and sendmail).

Bad assumption.  There are already hooks for the user's name, which
should be used instead.  No hook as of yet for the home directory, though
maybe it isn't a bad idea to create one.

> - The subject and message are now two fields.

That is probably a reasonable change, if done correctly (to handle the
user not specifying a subject, etc).

> - The 'live' vacation message and subject are always
>   displayed when the notice is active.

This assumes you can access them.  Not always the case.

>   Note: in the distro, the text of your message is always replaced
>         by the default text... which feels like a bug.

This isn't correct.  It may be this way for some drivers, and some setups,
but it is not always this way.

> - The radio buttons go away when the .forward file exists
>   so there is no way to cancel when notice is unset, and the
>   text properly reads 'update' which is what actually happens
>   when the notice is set.

Sounds like a good feature.

> Now I plan to create a horde module called vacationtime:

Why a new module, and not just a new driver for the existing module?
I don't see any reason this can't be rolled into the existing project.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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