[sork] vpopmail + mysql + passwd (yet another problem)

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Oct 2 14:38:36 PDT 2003

Quoting Aaron Stanford <stanford.16 at osu.edu>:

> To attempt to change a password, I enter the password module and type the
> following information:
> Username:  user at domain.com
> Old Password: secret
> New Password: topsecret
> Confirm New:  topsecret
> At which point I get the error "User Not Found"

Does it log anything?

I'm not sure which versions do it, but some versions
of passwd strip the domain name from the username, so it would only submit
"user" instead of "user at domain.com".  This might be your problem.

The other problem may be that it doesn't stript the domain name, but it
would work (or work in some fashion) if it did?  So what if you enter
"user" instead of "user at domain.com" on the form?  (Note: this could be
dangerous if you have overlapping usernames within different domains).

Just some thoughts.  Someone else who uses vpopmail will probably respond
with better info than mime...

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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