[sork] Message headers messed up in vacation msg

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Tue Oct 14 09:00:16 PDT 2003

Quoting lasse hubinette <lh at nfs.com.sg>:

> Tried to add the fix but the program does not find the character ^M, however
> when using:
> $message = strtr($message, "\r", " ");
> He removes one of my ^M.

Yeah, \r should translate to the ^M character...

I can't remember, but if you had multiple ^M characters, then try removing
them with \r\r or something like that...

> The problem now is that my \n (end of line
> character)
> is translated to ^M$ (what does that stand for?)

It stands for "Carriage Return Linefeed".  That is the VMS/OpenVMS way of
ending a line.  In DOS/Windows, it is just carriage return.  In Unix, it
is just linefeed.

So your problem is that you have both the DOS and Unix line ends.  So unless
you have an OpenVMS system, you need to remove the carriage return.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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