[sork] Re: passwd 2.2.1-RC1 + vpopmail + mysql

Darren V. admin at stormreaver.net
Thu Apr 8 14:31:09 PDT 2004

Thank you for replying, Jan! Chris Nojima is also helping! Killer mailing

"Jan Schneider" <jan at horde.org> wrote in message
news:20040408215235.yq044ckcg40kwg4s at neo.wg.de...
> I see two possible reasons for this error. Either you didn't specify the
> correct pass_col and/or user_col values in the configuration. Or it's
> exactly what the error says. The user doesn't exist in the table. But
> say anything more helpful if you don't provide us with more information.

The authentication I'm trying to use is vpopmail, so the values I'm using
are 'pw_name' and 'pw_passwd', which are correct. The problem is that
'pw_domain' doesn't exist in this vpopmail configuration. Neither does the
'vpopmail' table. Inside the vpopmail database, there are tables created for
every domain name in this format:

| Tables_in_vpopmail |
| dir_control        |
| dnbni_com          |
| lastauth           |
| vlog               |

In the dnbni_com table, there are these fields:

pw_name (the username WITHOUT the domain name appended to it)
pw_password (The encrypted "$1" type password)
pw_uid (it's always 0)
pw_gid (it's always 0)
pw_gecos (User Full Name field)
pw_dir (actual user subdirectory)
pw_shell (quota size)
pw_clear_password (cleartext password)

When I look in backends.php, there is a 'pw_domain' variable, but I don't
know exactly how that would get read into the actual table created by

> > Details / Problem 2:
> >
> > Again, I know there has to be a variable somewhere I can grab this data,
> > I'm not sure where it would go or what the syntax would look like.
> This is set by the "default_username" hook.
> Jan.

When I change the default_username hooks to 'true' from 'false', main.php
calls '/config/hooks.php', which doesn't exist and of course an error is

failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/horde/passwd/main.php on line 221

Warning: main(): Failed opening
'/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/horde/passwd/lib/../../config/hooks.php' for
inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in
/usr/share/toaster/htdocs/horde/passwd/main.php on line 221


`find . -name "hooks.php" -print` = nada

Thanks so much for your time!


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