[sork] Re: Backquotes in parser (now backslashes)

Espen Jürgensen espen at hhkol.dk
Fri Apr 9 13:24:27 PDT 2004

> Most newer versions of software don't require them anymore, but
> some still do, and lots of people still run older versions.  What
> they do is prevent mail from looping in older versions.  So it is
> very important to use them and support them.

I realize now that I could be misunderstanding you. I interpret backquotes
as backticks (`), but perhaps you meant backslashes (\). I have never seen
the former in a forward-file, but I have seen the latter, and I could
imagine it is some sort of loop prevention (a way of forcing an email to a
certain mailbox).

Currently, the parser interprets them like this:

\user at host.com becomes user at host.com

I think this is the correct behavior, since this is how it should be
presented to the user. If the backslashes are needed, then it is the
responsability of the function which saves the forward-file to add them, and
the parser isn't involved in that process (currently).


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