[sork] Patch for vacation forwards-driver (.forward-parser)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon May 3 12:12:15 PDT 2004

Quoting Espen Jürgensen <espen at hhkol.dk>:

> I have taken an extra look at how to trigger an error message from
> getUserDetails (in the Vacation module), and it seems to be a bit tricky.
> The whole design around Driver.php and getUserDetails doesn't really seem to
> allow an error to be triggered - or am I mistaken? It seems a bit odd, since
> there is plenty of error handling inside getUserDetails, but errors 
> just won't trigger any message.
> I might be able to hack something together, which will show errors from just
> the parser, but it would be quite ugly.

I don't know a whole lot about how this was put together, but I wouldn't mind
seeing it rewritten to be cleaner and allow better error handling. So if you
have an idea on how to rework things so that it's not hacked together, but
fixes the design, I'd love to see it.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez=0

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