[sork] (reminder) Patch for vacation, concerns PEARaddresslist parser

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Jun 22 03:56:09 PDT 2004

Zitat von Espen Jürgensen <espen at hhkol.dk>:

> From: "Jan Schneider" <jan at horde.org>:
>>>> We actually replaced all imap_rfc822* calls in the past with calling the
>>>> Mail_RFC822 package because the builtin functions are pretty buggy
>>>> depending on the c-client version you have and caused a lot of
> segfaults.
>>> OK. Is that still the case?
>> I don't know, we don't use it anymore. ;-)
> Err, there are plenty of imap_rfc* calls in IMP. Don't they segfault?

Ah, you're right. Looking at the backlogs, it seems that only
imap_rfc822_write_address() was affected.

So, what was this thread actually about? :-)


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