[sork] problem with forward and vsftpd

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 17 06:46:17 PST 2004

Zitat von Pedro Sousa <psousa at direito.up.pt>:

> I've got Horde with the forward module active. First I configured my server
> to use wu-ftpd and it worked fine. Due to the security problems of wu-ftp a
> friend advised me to switch to vsftpd. I configured vsftpd and I can ftp to
> my server remotely and locally. I'm not allowing anonymous ftp and users to
> upload files other than their home folders.
> After I switched to vsftpd my forward module stopped working.
> Does anyone can help me with this? I've searched google and horde
> documentation for help but with no success.

Do you see anything in the vsftpd logs? Works fine here.


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?

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