[sork] (no subject)

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Jan 13 07:15:01 PST 2005

Quoting - Fredde - <nagash303 at hotmail.com>:

> First, do horde-vacation (2.2.1) directly support virtual domains/vpopmail
> style?

I don't know what vpopmail style means, so I can't answer.  It supports
ftp'able accounts with .forward file support, courier with dotforward
enabled, qmail, and sql-based forwarding systems.

> Can I get some examples of how to configure the ftp server to work.

If your users don't have home directories, you can't use the ftp driver.
Maybe the sql driver would work?
> Sec, it seens to be big changes in the way the new horde-vacation (h3,)
> work,

There is no h3 version yet.

> I tried to install it an u cant configure any username and pass for
> the "system user" the ftp could use for the ftp part.

It uses the current logged in username and password.  You could use
a hook to modify this behaviour.

> Is there support in
> this new version for virtual domains? 

Yes, but perhaps not your type of virtual domains.

> How/were could I configure diffrent
> releams?

It has always support realms, since Horde has supported realms.

> Or do I have to set up accounts for every user???

If you want to use the ftp driver, then yes.  But perhaps the sql driver
would work, if you have a forwarding mechanism in your setup via sql?  I
really can't say, since I don't know your setup.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!

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