FW: Re: FW: Re: [sork] Vacation and virtual domains, h3-vacationconfigurating issue

- Fredde - nagash303 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 14 00:47:13 PST 2005

Quoting: Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>

> > vpopmail use virtual domains (no user accounts on the server, just one
> > directory, like:
>That is not a virutal domain, that is a virtual account.  You can have
>real accounts and still have virtual domains.

Welll u have directorys (see below) and users in sql.

> > var/vpopmail/
> >
> > domains/domain1.com/user1/.maildir/
> > domains/domain2.com/user1/.maildir/
>If they support a .forward file in that structure, you can use the ftp
>driver.  If not, you can't.

Well it does, in vacation called .qmail and forward called.forward. Is there 
some better documentation about how the qmail.php and forwards.php work? Or 
can u explain it?

> > > > Can I get some examples of how to configure the ftp server to work.
> > >
> > >If your users don't have home directories, you can't use the ftp 
> > >Maybe the sql driver would work?
> >
> > Well, yes an no, found a "patched" horde/vacation/lib/qmail.php with 
> > for just one vpopmail ftp account to use for transfer the files. The 
> > seems to be that founder didnt post it to horde.org to be included i 
> > rel... so its not that updated.
>Okay.  Can't help it if people don't submit the code.

Well u can get it from me, I think its a patched horde-vacation 2.2 

U find it here:

If u have problems understanding the docs I can help to translate (he made 
an guide/manual for install etc)

> > Allright, mabe is a hook "add on" can solve the problem with direct
> > vpopmail/virtual domain problem? Should it be in the 
> > How do I configure hooks in vacation?
>Not sure, I *think* they're supported in the CVS version, but haven't 
>If not, they should be (though that doesn't help you any).

Well I have both H2 and H3 installations so its intresting to now about the 
h3 to.

>It wouldn't be to hard to hack the code to allow for a fixed username and
>password.  Also *shouldn't* be too hard to modify the code for such, maybe
>just a new driver would be best for this?  Could inherite the ftp class,
>and make as few changes as possible to it.

Great, mabe called it vpopmail.php and use the 
http://www.tpp.se/program.html (vacation, qmail.php) as diff.

> > Well, mabe I can configure my vpopmail to use sql insted of directory.
>Only if doing so enables sql forwarding.  Otherwise, no.

Ok, I will check this, thanks for the tip.


Fredrik F

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