[sork] Re: Sork and Horde H3

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Fri Feb 11 08:22:43 PST 2005

Quoting Marc Balmer <marc at msys.ch>:

> Michael Eichenberger wrote:
> > Actually I've also just had a look at the code from the ldap driver and
> > am in the process of trying to rewrite the driver, that it will fullfil
> > my needs better.
> As there are many ways to store vacation information in a LDAP tree and
> many ways to activate it, we probably need different ldap drivers for
> each sitution.

Best case, you can use configuration settings to customize the single
driver as needed to be meet the requirements of more setups.

Normal case, you can "extend" the current driver to make it work for
another setup, overriding only the needed functions and configuration

Worst case, you may actually need a new driver (from scratch) but this
is unlikely to be needed in most cases.

> In one setting, we set vacationEnabled, a boolean
> attribute, to TRUE or FLASE do trigger the vacation message.  The
> original driver stores a 'Y' or 'N' in an 'active' attribute, maybe the
> author is not aware of boolean attributes...  In a third setting, we not
> only have to set vacationEnable but also a secondary e-mail address to
> the postfix maildrop attribute.  This gives us alread three drivers plus
> yours.

These sound like configuration options more than separate drivers.  Make
the field name and value a configuration option.  Or at worst, this is
a extended driver, not a "new from scratch" driver.

> main.php of vacation has a flaw, after the Subject header there should
> be an emtpy line before the actual message.

Feel free to submit a bug fix.
> - Marc Balmer
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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!

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