[sork] sork adding hostname to vacation command

Walter R. Moore moorewr at eckerd.edu
Fri May 6 12:56:28 PDT 2005

Let me walk through this again, so I'm sure I see what you are saying:

Is it that...
* I applied the fix, and it worked, but it is putting the wrong address 
in .forward, because of pear
* Downgrading pear would let me put the old code back
* the old code would correct the error in the .forward file

I'm open to installing the HEAD or RELENG version of sork as well..

-Walter Moore

Eric Rostetter wrote:
> Quoting "Walter R. Moore" <moorewr at eckerd.edu>:
>>We've used sork and imp for a very long time, and recently upgraded web
>>servers -- the only likely effect of which was an updated version of
>>pear. I searched the sork list for a fix for the "Can't parse your email
>>address error."
> It's in the archives, and it is due to the pear upgrade.
> The "usual fix" seems to be to downgrade one of the pear modules that does
> the e-mail parsing (not sure which one).  I think this was "fixed" in 
> CVS HEAD (not sure about the CVS RELENG release branch) by removing the
> parser call, but my memory may be wrong there.

Walter R. Moore --  System Administrator, Eckerd College
moorewr at eckerd.edu --  http://home.eckerd.edu/~moorewr

     Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant.
     (They make a wilderness and call it peace.)
        ---Tacitus, reporting the words of Calgalus
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