[sork] Stale Vacation Development on Horde 3.X framework?? Fork needed??

Edgar Martinez emartinez at crockettint.com
Mon May 23 13:47:51 PDT 2005

So it's closing on 1 year I think since horde went to the 3.x and vacation 
is STILL on old 2.x framework with the latest release again only for the 2.x 
framework...unless I got something wrong here, is there no support to any 
vacation auto-responders thru horde unless you use the older version?? Why 
has this not been moved into 3.x or for that matter can we safely assume 
that it is an impossibility due to poor design and needs to be rebuilt?? 
Should I just start building a replacement since this appears to be stale 
and will never move past the 2.x framework?? Are there any other options? 

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