[sork] again horde 3 and passwd => mysql failed to connect

Maximilian Ebert max.ebert at titoly.de
Thu Aug 25 04:19:24 PDT 2005


i posted this question to this 1 month before but perhaps now  
somebody has an answer for me. today i got the passwd h3 beta file  
and i configed the backends.php. i added username and password for  
the vpopmail mysql thing but if i want to change the password horde  
tells me that he cant get a connection to the mysql server. but why?  
there in nothing in the error log or somewhere else in mysql. even if  
i log everything mysql doesent get any query from the horde tool for  
the vpopmail database.

hope anybody can help me becaus changing the password would be very  

thx all !


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