[sork] again horde 3 and passwd => mysql failed to connect

Maximilian Ebert max.ebert at titoly.de
Fri Aug 26 01:55:26 PDT 2005


i fixed it but now i get all the time the message password wrong. i  
think its because my passwords in the sql database of vpopmail r  
crypted is there any way to handle crypted passwords ? because all  
the crypt variables like blowfisch md5-hex etc. arent working.


thx list!

Am 25.08.2005 um 22:59 schrieb Eric Rostetter:

> Quoting Maximilian Ebert <max.ebert at titoly.de>:
>> i posted this question to this 1 month before but perhaps now
>> somebody has an answer for me. today i got the passwd h3 beta file
> It is very hard to remotely diagnose these kinds of things.  You need
> to provide complete details of what you've done to debug it, and how
> you configured your backend, to have any hope that anyone could help.
>> and i configed the backends.php. i added username and password for
>> the vpopmail mysql thing but if i want to change the password horde
>> tells me that he cant get a connection to the mysql server. but why?
> Could be just about anything.  You might have configured the backend
> wrong.  Or mysql isn't running.  Or mysql isn't listening on tcp  
> (using
> unix sockets) and you configured sork for tcp, or vise-vera.  Or it
> is listen on a different port than you configured.  Or your firewall
> is blocking it.  Or it is listening on a different IP address than you
> configured.  Or tcp_wrappers is blocking it.  Or your mysql  
> security setup
> blocks the connection.  Or your mysql security setup blocks the login.
> Or you're trying to connect (e.g. configured) the wrong DB name, or
> some other DB attribute.  Or any number of other things.
>> there in nothing in the error log or somewhere else in mysql. even if
>> i log everything mysql doesent get any query from the horde tool for
>> the vpopmail database.
> You need to verify you can connect by hand somehow, or use a  
> network sniffer
> to sniff the network traffic when passwd tries to connect, or make  
> sure your
> system logs or Horde logs or php logs are not showing an error.
>> hope anybody can help me becaus changing the password would be very
>> nice.
> Again, it is really hard for someone else to remotely debug these  
> types of
> things with little or no info about your setup.  You really need to  
> do the
> brunt of the work yourself, and only ask for specific advice here...
> Start by posting your configuration and what you've tried so far.  
> Then people
> can perhaps give you a "next step to try", which you would need to  
> try and
> report back, and so on until we hopefully get it resolved.  It  
> could take
> quite a while.
> Or, maybe you can hire a Horde Consultant to work on this for you?
> Not many people use vpopmail, so there are not a lot (if any)  
> experts here
> to help you with vpopmail specific knowledge.  So, you will need to be
> patient and persistent if you want/need help.
>> thx all !
>> Max
> -- 
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd!
> -- 
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