[sork] vacation/forwards integration with sql

Chris Leavoy cleavoy at govital.net
Fri Feb 10 13:34:07 PST 2006

I have a working horde setup and love it. I'm wondering if someone can 
provide me with an example conf.php for the vacation and forwards 
modules that show how they work with SQL backends.

I'm using the latest cvs HEAD. I have a mysql back end for forwards and 
vacation setup and working.  I'm using postfix and postfix admin to 
manage them but i would like to include it in horde as well.

I'm just not sure how to configure the query_select/set/disable fields. 
  If someone would share their configs, that would be awesome. If not 
ill have to brush up on my SQL and do some testing.

Much thanks and I love the Horde project, great work everyone.

-- Chris Leavoy
cleavoy at govital.net

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